"As a Mother of Three Sons" has 4 Upcoming Shows in Israel:
Lady's Repertoire
About the lady theater
A roving circus-theater
Founded by the wife & husband team: Ornat & Yonatan

The lady in the media

ummer 2013 The Mrs. Erez Theater packed his belongings, his children the set and set out on a pioneering journey of a different kind. “Grandma Peshka’s Circus” from Neve Ativ in the north to Kibbutz Yotvata in the south. An article broadcast on Channel 10 News on August 11, 2013 about the theater, the play and the journey.
Israel Channel 10 News
August 2013

Interview with Yonatan Solage Ornat Lampert’s Theater Specification.
Israel Channel 2
January 2014

New Evening Israel Channel 1
September 2010

Grandma’s circus was on a morning show.
The World This Morning
Israel Channel 2, November 2013

“A surprising and funny play throughout the 45 minutes of the play fascinated children, parents and grandparents. Two talents juggle their talents and accessories on stage, the play together with the workshop creates
A charming and quality evening of a different standard. “
Kibbutz Beit Alfa
Rachela Peled, Cultural Coordinator

“With great talent, originality and creativity, Bonk and Peshka’s traveling circus warms the heart. A successful combination of a show and a circus of humor and movement.
Allows each member of the family to enjoy. A wonderful experience recommended wholeheartedly! “
Title Library Manager
Ita Maro

“A sweet and touching play … the play belongs to the less commercial genre of the children’s market and corresponds with the romance of the old world, both in music, in the means of stage expression, and in the story”
Habama website
Tal Gordon

“With a pioneering spirit and fondness for simplicity, the couple Jonathan Solage and Ornat Lampert created a show with a taste of yesteryear that combines juggling, movement and humor and conveys a wonderful message … It is easy to understand and connect to the message that art, fun and laughter exist everywhere if you look right. Simplicity That’s sweeping! “
Haaretz Newspaper
Nurit Asaig

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like.
Sarah McClain
- Katy's Mom

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